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Classroom. Curriculum. Leadership. Outcomes.

Tom Reynolds

English Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)

Hover over each area for more information.

4-Stage 'Deep-Dive' Department Review and Strategic Action Plan

Comprehensive evaluation; summative report and step-by-step action-plan of departmental priorities         *Make Enquiry*

4-Stage 'Deep-Dive' Department Review and Strategic Action Plan

Comprehensive evaluation; summative report and step-by-step action-plan of departmental priorities         *Make Enquiry*

1. Progress in Practice: Classroom Teaching and Learning

From planning and preparation to pace, structure, relationships, knowledge and expectation: a comprehensive classroom review of strengths and areas-for-development across the department

1. Progress in Practice: Classroom Teaching and Learning

From planning and preparation to pace, structure, relationships, knowledge and expectation: a comprehensive classroom review of strengths and areas-for-development across the department

2. Aspiration, Inspiration and Building the Right Curriculum

A comprehensive, curriculum review: revising the content, objectives and ambitions of schemes-of-work – across the Key Stages - to ensure consistently engaging and demanding classroom practice

2. Aspiration, Inspiration and Building the Right Curriculum

A comprehensive, curriculum review: revising the content, objectives and ambitions of schemes-of-work – across the Key Stages - to ensure consistently engaging and demanding classroom practice

3. Written-Work Assurance

A comprehensive review of the cyclical relationship between student-performance [quantity and quality of written work] and staff-feedback/expectation [quantity, quality, accuracy and impact of written-guidance]

3. Written-Work Assurance

A comprehensive review of the cyclical relationship between student-performance [quantity and quality of written work] and staff-feedback/expectation [quantity, quality, accuracy and impact of written-guidance]

4. Departmental Data Diagnosis

An in-depth analysis of your English department’s contextual, current and forecasted outcomes: diagnosing ‘gaps’/ priority-areas for improvement across the English ‘Basics Measures’, Progress 8 and all associated sub-groups

4. Departmental Data Diagnosis

An in-depth analysis of your English department’s contextual, current and forecasted outcomes: diagnosing ‘gaps’/ priority-areas for improvement across the English ‘Basics Measures’, Progress 8 and all associated sub-groups

GCSE Intervention Programmes

English Language/Literature Masterclasses [all specifications delivered]:

  • 'Achieving Grade 4/5' or 'Aiming for Grades 7-9' sessions available

  • one exam-section per day

  • one exam-paper per two days

  • one qualification [4-5 exam-sections] per week

  • both qualifications [all 9 exam-sections] over two weeks

  • maximum of 16 students per session [approximately 10% of most Year 11 cohorts]

  • all resources included [created and tailored upon confirmation of examination, specification and ability]


*Make Enquiry*

GCSE Intervention Programmes

English Language/Literature Masterclasses [all specifications delivered]:

  • 'Achieving Grade 4/5' or 'Aiming for Grades 7-9' sessions available

  • one exam-section per day

  • one exam-paper per two days

  • one qualification [4-5 exam-sections] per week

  • both qualifications [all 9 exam-sections] over two weeks

  • maximum of 16 students per session [approximately 10% of most Year 11 cohorts]

  • all resources included [created and tailored upon confirmation of examination, specification and ability]


*Make Enquiry*

GCSE 'Walking-Talking-Mocks'

GCSE English Language/Literature WTMs [all specifications delivered]:

  • 'Achieving Grade 4/5' or 'Aiming for Grades 7-9' sessions available

  • one examination per 2.5 hour period

  • half-year-groups preferred

  • teaching-staff welcome

*Make Enquiry*

GCSE 'Walking-Talking-Mocks'

GCSE English Language/Literature WTMs [all specifications delivered]:

  • 'Achieving Grade 4/5' or 'Aiming for Grades 7-9' sessions available

  • one examination per 2.5 hour period

  • half-year-groups preferred

  • teaching-staff welcome

*Make Enquiry*

CPD: Subject Leader Development and Specialist Teacher Training

From data-informed, classroom delivery to secure predictions of examination performance: how to inspire aspiration and provide clear pathways for progress

*Make Enquiry*

CPD: Subject Leader Development and Specialist Teacher Training

From data-informed, classroom delivery to secure predictions of examination performance: how to inspire aspiration and provide clear pathways for progress

*Make Enquiry*

Line-Management Training for Non-Specialist Senior Leaders
Line-Management Training for Non-Specialist Senior Leaders

How to develop the role, responsibilities and specialism of your English Leader; understanding the support that English Leaders require and your knowledge of the answers to the questions that they need to be asked

*Make Enquiry*

Key-Note Speaking
Key-Note Speaking

Previously presented: 'The Outstanding Head of English' and 'The Maths behind English'. All 'English pedagogy-themed' presentations considered upon request

*Make Enquiry*

* Subject to availability; your centre’s location and department size, all services are priced at £550 per day (excluding VAT)


Tom is an experienced Senior Leader and Specialist Leader of Education with expertise in raising standards of whole-school English teaching, learning, performance and progress.


As a former Assistant Head Teacher and English Curriculum Leader, Tom successfully helped to improve five departments in under-performing schools/academies and specializes at working within exceptionally challenging timescales and circumstances.


Over the last 15 years, his logical and methodical approach to English teaching and learning has helped to empower teachers, students, school leaders and parents and enabled him to repeatedly raise GCSE results to record levels.

Tom is the Director of The Eden Method (The Logical Approach to English) and he works both nationally and internationally as a consultant for the teaching and learning of English in education.



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